What We Do
Health & Social CareWe support great care, excellent service and commercial success
Services Provided
Health & Social Care Services

Quality System Reviews
- A full review of the effectiveness of your quality and clinical governance systems
- Compliance audits including KLOE reviews
- Effective internal audit training
- Medicines reviews
- Metrics and quality indicators
- Incident reporting and management
- Service development plans
- Person centred care planning
- Risk assessment
- Customer satisfaction and experience

Clinical Risk Reviews
Residents in care homes and supported living type environments have increasingly complex needs and are at risk of numerous avoidable harms.
These reviews get straight to the key clinical risks affecting your business and consider how effective your current systems and controls are in practice.
Specific risks can be targeted such as tissue viability, falls prevention, choking, nutrition, medicines management and infection control.
The effectiveness of adverse incident reporting and trend analysis can also be reviewed along with Duty of Candor and the interface with organisational learning.

Integrated Governance
Integrated governance consists of all aspects of governance necessary to be safe, effectively run and customer focused. It ensures that all parts of an organisation work together in a more effective and complimentary way avoiding departmental silos.
It provides assurance that data flows from “floor to Board” utilising outcome measures and data to measure progress and manage risk. Integrated governance facilitates effective decision making and the ability to make informed improvements to business processes, compliance and cost controls while remaining customer focussed.
We offer an organisational integrated governance review and support with implementation of an effective integrated governance model to support improved business performance.

Coaching and Mentoring
Strong and effective leadership is key to the delivery of high quality services, positive outcomes for residents, compassionate care and optimal business performance.
We provide face to face, telephone, e mail and online support on all aspects of care home quality, care and operational management.
We can support both new and experienced managers, assist with development needs and provide constructive challenge to enable individuals to build confidence and effect change.


Professional Advice
We offer a range of advice on all nursing, care and wellbeing matters. This includes:
- Nursing and quality strategy
- Evidence based practice
- Policy and procedures
- Selection and interviewing of senior staff
- Workplace wellbeing
- Training and development
- Effective skill mix
- Operational support
- Regulatory advice